663 million people face a daily struggle to access enough good quality water. When WaterAid approached us, this statistic was the driver behind their project.
The brief was to explore engaging, interactive, learner-friendly ways of modelling life without access to safe water, and raise awareness of the kinds of simple technologies that can offer solutions to this issue.
Our team of coders worked closely with our educators to develop a map that invited learners to 'play the game of everyday life'. We created elements of the game that allowed learners to monitor their thirst, and vitally, make choices about how to manage it. Drinking from particular sources of water led to dysentry and other waterborne diseases. Our ground-breaking code, allowed this disease to be spread between players.
The only way to survive? To research and craft one of five technologies that would enable them to drink potable water.
This project has been incredibly successful and has been shown at Insomnia and will be officially launched by WaterAid in 2017.