Our Office 365 training courses for education are aimed at classroom teachers,senior management and leadership teams and offer insights and experiences into how to make your learning environment more productive, creative and connected.
Contact us for more information or to make a booking.
Office 365
To book a course or to find out more, please email us at play@immersiveminds.com or give us a call on +44(0)1383 420509
Introduction to Office 365
Course Duration:
- full day
- half day

About This Course
As the name Office365 suggests, this version of Office creates opportunities for you to access your documents anytime, anywhere on pretty much any device through cloud computing. Our Office365 courses range from basic training on the suite of tools that come with it, exploring how to make the most of the new features with cloud computing, through to advanced courses that enable you to take advantage of the full range of applications that will enable you to revolutionise and streamline your working practices. Courses on offer include:
Office365 - Basic
The Office365 School is connected, collaborative and digitally proactive. This course takes participants on a beginners tour of Office365 and equips them with a fundamental knowledge of how to make the most of cloud computing, and explores the possibilities the new applications have to offer for 21st Century Learning.
Office365 - Advanced
This course is offered to those who have acquired basic knowledge of Office365 and are comfortable with One Drive. In this course participants focus on using 3 of the main productivity tools (adaptable to suit your schools' needs) to advance their skills in a connected, collaborative learning environment and explore the possibilities for working in a flipped classroom.
For more information or to make a booking contact us
About This Course
The Organised Classroom
Course Duration:
- full day
- half day
- bespoke arrangement
In this course, we explore the range of productivity tools available in Office 365. In particular we focus on lesson planning, collaboration, and classroom management & organisation using a range of tools including One Drive and One Note among others. The tools we explore can be tailored to suit your particular school/classroom objectives and needs.

The Creative Classroom

About This Course
The Creative Classroom offers educators an opportunity to delve into Office 356's media and production tools. We focus specifically on how to use the suite of tools including Sway, Picture Remix and Stream to provide teachers with the foundation knowledge and the practical skills to embed 21st Century Learning practices in their classroom
Course Duration:
- full day
- half day
- bespoke arrangement
The Connected Classroom
About This Course
In this course, we explore the ways in which Office365 offers the possibility of creating a truly global classroom through tools that enable you to bring the world, and all of its learning experiences to you. The course also explores improving connectivity & collegiality, and distributed, flexible working practices using One Drive, Skype and Teams among others.

Course Duration:
- full day
- half day
- bespoke arrangement
Teacher's Pick!
About This Course
What are you School's goals? What's your vision for your own professional journey? We will collaborate with you to create a course that suits your vision and your needs. Let us know what you want, and we'll be happy to craft a course for you.
Course Duration:
- full day
- half day
- bespoke arrangement